Father Snowman Is Missing: Family Storytelling Adventure

It was finally winter! The SnowPeople tumbled and frolicked in the sparkling snowflakes, chortling with pleasure at the frosty air. Friends greeted friends, so happy to be outside after the long summer and fall hibernation. Families hugged each other and did their happy dances!

But amidst all of this excitement, a quiet noticing began to spread thru the crowd. Where was Father Snowman? Did he need help getting put back together? Elderly as he was, he was the most treasured of all of the SnowPeople, for it was he who had started their village in the Valley of the Snow.

Where, oh where, could Father Snowman be? The SnowPeople began to mutter, wondering if he was lost to them forever. It got quieter and quieter in the snowflakes, as the village got worrier and worriered.

“But how could Father Snowman leave us?” asked Tiny, the tiniest of the snowchildren. “Maybe we can find him again if we tell his story!” said Bitsy, his sister.

So, the SnowPeple and their tinys gathered inside the Circle of the Three Trees, in the middle of the village, to tell their story of Father Snowman.

  • January 1- Once upon a time, there lived a family of gnomes. On the first day of Christmas, they decided to……
  • January 2- And fortunately, they all started to ……
  • January 3- And then, you won’t believe what happened…..
  • January 4- Unfortunately, the next time they all sat down for dinner…..
  • January 5 – The good news is…….
  • January 6- But the bad news is……
  • January 7- Of course, like all gnomes, they…….
  • January 8 – But, as luck would have it……
  • January 9- And down came the Good Fairy Gnome, and she said……
  • January 10- But there, lurking in the corner…….
  • January 11- And then………
  • January 12- But never fear! The good fairy is here!…..
  • January 13- Da Da Da!…..the dark and gloomy night called to them…
  • January 14 – “You must go on a hero’s journey” called the voice in the darkness…..
  • January 15- Oh my……..
  • January 16- And then, as if by magic…..
  • January 17- Hark! What’s this? And, you won’t believe what he was bringing!
  • January 18 – Not again! Not this gnome……
  • January 19- The night sky glowed with purpose,,,,
  • January 20- A chill was in the air, and the gnomes…..
  • January 21- It started to snow, big fat wet flakes of beautiful snow…..
  • January 22- What Ho! Then the lights went out!…
  • January 23- It felt eerie and mystical…..
  • January 24- Oh Holy Night……
  • January 25- And there, for all to see, were all of the SnowPeople the gnomes had made, all together in a circle inside the Three Trees, in the Valley of the Snow……
  • January 26- But look!
  • January 27- Run!
  • January 28- Oh NO!
  • January 29- Relief flooded thru the crowd…..
  • January 30- And as more snowflakes began to flutter down…
  • January 31- And the Snow Song began, at first quietly, and then it grew louder and louder……“Look!” Cried Tiny. Father Snowman was coming down the hill, very slowly, to the Valley of the Snow.

And now, with the knowledge of how their SnowPeople had arrived in the Valley of the Snow, they held hands and sang their Snow song.