‘Twas the Night Before School

Twas’ the Night Before School, and all through the house,
the children were sleeping quiet as a mouse.

The backpacks were hung by the backdoor with care,
in hopes that the first day of school would be there.

Outfits were planned, with shoes and socks ready
Lunches all packed, with water in Yeti’s

I slumped down in the couch, exhausted as could be
From all the shopping and prepping, and shlepping—I need TEA!

After a nice warm cup, I went off to bed
Knowing all too soon the sound I would dread.

BEEEEEP, went the noise and I awoke to the clatter,
I jumped from the bed to see what was the matter.

It was 6:15, what the heck? Why am I awake?
Oh wait, it’s not summer…gimme a break!!

Away to the kitchen, I flew like a flash,
Grabbed my coffee mug, and threw in a splash

And what to my wondering ears, do I hear?
A pounding of feet, down the stairs getting near

Two excited faces have never appeared so quick,
I knew in a moment, breakfast would do the trick

With breakfast complete, and clothes on their body
They dashed to the car, as I screamed: did you go potty?

Away we drove like a bat out-of-hell,
Hoping to get there before the first bell

The little one leapt from the car, with glee
The big one jumped out, saying “Go Mom, geez!”

As I waved goodbye, and drove away with a tear,
I yelled Happy First Day to All, and to All a Good Year!