Parent Workshop: Zooming OUT–Part 1: The Magic Years

March 6, 2023 // 6:30-8:30

Water2Wine: 3300 West Anderson Lane, Austin, TX, USA

Yes, little kids are so cute!  But all smiles one minute and a tantrum the next … How can someone so little wield so much power?! It can make a parent’s head spin. Kids from birth to age 9 live in a magical universe.  They think and learn and see the world in a very different way than older kids. Even young kids can develop self-control and self-mastery, and these will be foundational skills!

This workshop offers positive techniques for parents to encourage curious, spirited but well-behaved children. We will discuss ideas for handling tantrums, biting, whining, and your child’s need for independence. Not to mention everyday struggles with bedtimes, mealtimes, and problem solving successfully! Understanding what their behavior is trying to tell us will open a new level of discipline techniques and options for parents.  The techniques that parents will choose to use will have a life-long effect on children!



3300 West Anderson Lane, Austin, TX, USA

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